Y-Sweet and Your App

Y-Sweet and Your App

A minimum viable app with Y-Sweet just needs these three components:

  • A server that makes HTTP requests to the Y-Sweet API
  • A client that connects to the Y-Sweet server
  • A Y-Sweet server, which syncs data across users with Yjs and persists your data in blob storage.

You may have additional components to your stack, like a database for saving user and document metadata. But for most collaborative realtime applications that don't require authentication, a Y-Sweet app that follows this structure is all you need.


If you're building with Nextjs, your server and client will server and client will refer to the server-side and client-side of the same Nextjs codebase.

Check out the following tutorials for how to setup and build a realtime, collaborative app with Y-Sweet.

How y-sweet interacts with your app

Y-sweet speaks to both your client and server to serve your users realtime collaborative documents. It can be helpful to know how y-sweet interacts with the client and server. Here's the breakdown:

When your user opens a document...

  1. Your server will make an authenticated request to the Y-Sweet API using getOrCreateDocAndToken or getClientToken. Both these functions require a connection string to authenticate your request.
  2. getOrCreateDocAndToken or getClientToken will return a client token.
  3. Your client will use this client token to connect to the Y-Sweet server via a websocket connection that's managed on the client-side by YDocProvider.
  4. When your users make changes to a document, the Y-Sweet server will register those changes, resolve conflicts, and persist your data. This means that users returning to the document will always see the latest changes.

Next Steps

y-sweet was created by Jamsocket.