Y-Sweet and Your App

Y-Sweet and Your App

A minimum viable app with Y-Sweet just needs these three components:

  • A server endpoint that authorizes a user to access a document using the Y-Sweet API
  • A client that connects to the Y-Sweet server
  • A Y-Sweet server, which syncs data across users with Yjs and persists your data in blob storage.

You may have additional components to your stack, like a database for saving user and document metadata. But for most collaborative realtime applications, a Y-Sweet app that follows this structure is all you need.


If you're building with Nextjs, your server and client will be part of the same Nextjs codebase.

Check out the following tutorials for how to setup and build a realtime, collaborative app with Y-Sweet.

How y-sweet interacts with your app

Y-sweet speaks to both your client and server to serve your users realtime collaborative documents. It can be helpful to know how y-sweet interacts with the client and server. Here's the breakdown:

When your user opens a document...

  1. The YSweetProvider in the client will fetch a client token from an auth endpoint you've implemented on your server.
  2. Your server's auth endpoint will make a request to the Y-Sweet API using getOrCreateDocAndToken or getClientToken. Both these functions require a connection string to authenticate your request.
  3. getOrCreateDocAndToken or getClientToken will return a client token which is sent in the auth endpoint's response.
  4. The YSweetProvider in your client will use this client token to connect to the Y-Sweet server via a websocket connection.
  5. When your users make changes to a document, the Y-Sweet server will register those changes, resolve conflicts, and persist your data. This means that users returning to the document will always see the latest changes.

Next Steps

y-sweet was created by Jamsocket.